Friday 11 November 2016


We have been trying to learn the days of the week and learning which are school days and which are rest days- the weekend. It has been particularly tricky to learn that most of the English speaking world calls the day after Wednesday 'Thursday' and not 'crouton soup day'!

In the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar we practised the days of the week and also some great positional language when we role played the story in the gym- in, on, under, through.

a little egg lay on a leaf and the moon shone in the sky

the sun came up and a caterpillar popped out of the egg

curled up caterpillars in their coccoons 

beautiful butterflies with symmetrical wings

We have done lots of reading in class this week and we are very excited to be taking our reading books home.

In phonics we have been learning how to blend and segment to help us with our reading and writing.

In response to the very bright and beautiful illustrastions in Eric Carles book, we have been exploring how to mix different colours. Children worked carefully with primary colours red, yellow and blue to make a range of new and beautiful colours.

We have sent home homework folders, please have a look at the books inside and read them at home with your child. I have made a video explaining the homework folders and the link is in the left hand section of the blog.

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