Friday 18 November 2016


This week have continued using Eric Carle's classic THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR as a springboard into exploring colour, pattern and number.

Finding the missing number in a sequence of three numbers.

We each have our own number line to use at school to help us with our maths. Our number lines are kept in our trays, so please return them to school if you find them at home!

We discovered that butterflies have symmetrical wings and we explored our own use of symmetry.

We used tissue paper to make caterpillars, counting how many circles each caterpillar has.

If you would like to do find out more about how Eric Carle illustrated the book and what the book means to him, please follow this link

We also got busy cooking, we made playdough and added different colours and artificial flavours to match some of the food the caterpillar ate in the story. 

mmm smell the orange, strawberry and vanilla ice cream!

To see an animated version of the story, click here

We have also had a great time outside enjoying our snowy garden!

Lots of strength building, teamwork and fun involved in pulling your friend around on a sledge!

More teamwork coordination and laughter making a human train to slide down the hill.

This was a very busy ice factory, it had it's own rules and systems and the workers were not at all pleased to be told to stop production when the bell rang!

We have all been fascinated by the leaves, branches and berries encased in ice.


In phonics we have been practicing blending and segmenting, just like these children in England, have a look at what they've been doing!

I have also sent home blending and segmenting activities in your folders, as well as new books to read.

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Lucie

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