Friday 23 September 2016


This week we read one of our favourite stories, Monkey Puzzle, the children love joining in with the little monkey who's desperately trying to find his mum in the jungle.
Click below to hear the story.
Monkey Puzzle

We talked about our own mums and dads and drew pictures and made paper dolls. Can you recognise yourself?

We've had lots of rainy weather which means it's sometimes been too wet to go outside, but we still manage to get active with sessions in the gym instead.

We also keep our fingers active developing our fine motor skills. This tray of paint may look beautiful it soon got all mixed up using the forks. Later children got their hands into the paint and made some fantastic scratch marks, swirls, circles and lines.

In phonics we have been exploring body percussion- what noises can you make with your body? We had fun working in pairs finding out what noises we could make with a friend, like clapping together or tapping someone else's back while they said ahhhhhh.

Listen to the 5 little monkeys song again. 
Practise writing numbers 1-5.
Play with the number of monkeys: what if there were 8 monkeys and 2 fell off the bed? What if there were 4 monkeys and 1 snuck back on the bed while mum wasn't looking?

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