Thursday 15 February 2018


We have been so busy in Reception since New Year that I have only just had time to update our blog!!

Most importantly we have been busy enjoying the snow!!
Getting lots of fresh air and exercise, moving safely with equipment and with each other and finding out about gravity and speed all through very practical experiences!

We have read lots of stories and had a go at acting them out. We paticularly enjoyesd Lost and Found, Iris and Isaac and Goldilocks and the three bears.

We also enjoyed the traditional Russian Tale Golden Hooves told by a sand artist.

 After the story we had the opportunity to make our own sand art.

We have also started working in pairs, which is not as easy as you might think! We have to listen to each other, think about what the other person has said and respond, take turns using resources and decide as a team how we are going to complete our projects!

We have used the stories we read in class as a starting point for writing our own stories. As well as our imaginations we used our drawing skills and growing knowledge of phonics to create some fantastic books! Miss Pauline was very impressed with our work when she popped in to see us!

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