Friday 24 March 2017


This week we have continued with our Hansel and Gretel story and made beautiful books.

We have also been working on ordering numbers 1-10 and 1-20 and some of us can even count in 2s and 5s!

All of the classes have planted sunflower seeds and we can hardly wait to see ours beginning to grow!

Miss Lucie is very pleased with our reading and says she can really tell when children have been practising at home!

Miss Lucie is also very impressed with how responsible and careful we are with our resources. Look at the girls carefully mixing their own colours and taking good care to clean their brushes.

In Phonics we have learned x/y and the digraph ai.

Our Nursery Rhyme this week was Cobbler, cobbler

And we have been dancing to Funky Town.

Please read your reading book.
Look at the new letters we have been learning.
Listen to a story read by Miss Lucie.

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