Friday 3 February 2017


Art Week began with the children working on three large scale art projects with three different teachers! In the Reception classroom we used finger painting to make this busy picture of London's skyline. Each child chose their own colour, you can see the colour key at the bottom of the picture.

For the rest of the week Reecption focused on the work of Gustav Klimt. We looked at two of his most famous paintings, THE KISS and THE TREE OF LIFE. The children looked really closely at the patterns and colours in the pictures.

We used coloured wool in water to investigate making our own swirls. 

We used pipe cleaners to make spirals for our own trees.

Careful spiral work, gold on black.

We investigated how different shapes fit together to make patterns.

We got an enormous piece of paper and listened to different types of music. As we listened to the music we thought about the colours and shapes we could see in our minds and we drew them on the paper.


Please find Reading books and worksheets for u and r in your child's folder.
Have a look at any pictures you have at home and see which colours, patterns and shapes you can find.
Also please don't forget to use BUSYTHINGS and TEACHYOURMONSTERTOREAD websites.

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