Tuesday 10 April 2018


 In Maths we learned about pairs. We had to find matching pairs of socks and then we had the chance to use the socks to make puppets! Miss Agnes and Miss Kim could only help two children at a time so we had to draw or write down what kind of puppet we wanted to make and then wait our turn!
George reads his written request to Miss Agnes.

Lera carefully selects her materials.

Lera and Alisa exchange ideas.

Pasha and Vova get stuck in.

Vova and his duck puppet.

Alisa with her mermaid puppet (and if you look carefully, wearing odd socks!)

As well as pairs, our maths has involved lots of measuring: length, weight, height and capacity- have a look at our measuring in action!

We were also lucky enough to have a classical music concert, which was very interractive: we danced, clapped along, sang and some people were even chosen to be conductors!

And of course we had our Easter Egg Decorating contest. We looked at all of the eggs on display in the Sports Hall. There were some fantastic entries. The winner from Reception was David!

Friday 16 March 2018


We gathererd outsided to chase away Winter, who was reluctant to leave and give way to Spring!

A tree with all of our wishes and hopes for Spring was tied to the top of the pyramid.

This week we have been reading Bear stories, starting with the book We're going on a bear hunt

click below to listen to the Author telling the story.
We acted out the story using an obstacle course in the Sports Hall and we made our own Bear Hunt maps and made captions for them.

We also made a sensory story and made squelchy squerchy mud, swishy, swashy grass and splashy water.

Friday 2 March 2018


With Defenders Day and Womens Day so close to one another, we have taken the opportunity to focus on both the male and female members of our families.
We have talked about who we love in our families and why.
And we made presents too

And candle holders which we made with a little help from Miss Agnes, Miss KIm and some rubber gloves!

In a special assembly we shared photographs of our mums with the whole school and sang about how much we love them.

We read a story called SO MUCH where the baby is loved so much by all the members of his family. We also acted out the story and read some simple sentences and matched them to the illustrations in the book.
Click the link below to read the story together.


To reinforce the family and home vocabulary we have been role playing with the baby dolls at school.

We have also drawn and painted pictures of our families.

In maths we have been learning the song 10 Fat Sausages.
Click below to listen to the song at home.


Each time one sausage goes pop and the other goes bang, we have to take away two to find out how many sausgages are left.
Some of us have been writing subtraction number sentences and representing the sausages using play dough.

Thursday 22 February 2018


We hope you liked the cards we made for Valentine's day! 
We talked about our families, who we love and why.
We also made beautiful heart decorations for our classroom.

And decorated a friendship tree in assembly with special leaves. We wrote who our friends are and why they are good friends.

In our Friday assembly we hung all of our leaves on the friendship tree.

Later the friendship tree was taken outside into the playground so everybody could see the freindship messages.

Lots of children in our class are interested in dinosaurs and we have been reading lots of books and sharing information about the extinct creatures. Children have been playing nicely together and sharing the dinosaur resources.

We talked about dinosaur habitats, what the dinsoaurs ate and how they became extinct.

We also had a special delivery of dinosaur eggs, inside of which were tiny skeletons that we had to put together and identify which dinosaurs the skeletons came from.

Children have also been enjoying reading independently, often sharing books with their friends in the reading corner.

Thursday 15 February 2018


We have been so busy in Reception since New Year that I have only just had time to update our blog!!

Most importantly we have been busy enjoying the snow!!
Getting lots of fresh air and exercise, moving safely with equipment and with each other and finding out about gravity and speed all through very practical experiences!

We have read lots of stories and had a go at acting them out. We paticularly enjoyesd Lost and Found, Iris and Isaac and Goldilocks and the three bears.

We also enjoyed the traditional Russian Tale Golden Hooves told by a sand artist.

 After the story we had the opportunity to make our own sand art.

We have also started working in pairs, which is not as easy as you might think! We have to listen to each other, think about what the other person has said and respond, take turns using resources and decide as a team how we are going to complete our projects!

We have used the stories we read in class as a starting point for writing our own stories. As well as our imaginations we used our drawing skills and growing knowledge of phonics to create some fantastic books! Miss Pauline was very impressed with our work when she popped in to see us!