Friday, 16 March 2018


We gathererd outsided to chase away Winter, who was reluctant to leave and give way to Spring!

A tree with all of our wishes and hopes for Spring was tied to the top of the pyramid.

This week we have been reading Bear stories, starting with the book We're going on a bear hunt

click below to listen to the Author telling the story.
We acted out the story using an obstacle course in the Sports Hall and we made our own Bear Hunt maps and made captions for them.

We also made a sensory story and made squelchy squerchy mud, swishy, swashy grass and splashy water.

Friday, 2 March 2018


With Defenders Day and Womens Day so close to one another, we have taken the opportunity to focus on both the male and female members of our families.
We have talked about who we love in our families and why.
And we made presents too

And candle holders which we made with a little help from Miss Agnes, Miss KIm and some rubber gloves!

In a special assembly we shared photographs of our mums with the whole school and sang about how much we love them.

We read a story called SO MUCH where the baby is loved so much by all the members of his family. We also acted out the story and read some simple sentences and matched them to the illustrations in the book.
Click the link below to read the story together.


To reinforce the family and home vocabulary we have been role playing with the baby dolls at school.

We have also drawn and painted pictures of our families.

In maths we have been learning the song 10 Fat Sausages.
Click below to listen to the song at home.


Each time one sausage goes pop and the other goes bang, we have to take away two to find out how many sausgages are left.
Some of us have been writing subtraction number sentences and representing the sausages using play dough.