Friday 22 December 2017


Miss Lucie and the children were so excited when Father Christmas came to visit!

We had been busy all week making lots of Christmas Decorations. And baking gingerbread cookies!

We would like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas presents and say have a good rest over the holiday and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

from the Reception Team

A Busy December

What a busy month!!

Here are a few of the things that we have been busy doing in Reception.

We have learned lots of new sounds-
i n m d g o c k

When we were learning about the Christmas Story, we spotted lots of letters that we know!

And new words

at is in it and

So now we can start to read simple captiosn like

cat and dog

a sock on a pig

and we can use our phonic knowledge to write the sounds that we hear in words!

We were very busy rehearsing for the CHRISTMAS CONCERT
Miss Lucie even bought in her precious essential oils so that we could smell Frankincense and Myrrh which were two of the gifts give nto Jesus by the Kings.

And we've been thoroughly enjoying the first of the snow!!

 We also found out a little bit about Hannukah which is also celebrated in December. Mark borught in his Grandma's Menorah to show everybody. We passed it around the circle very carefully.