Friday, 17 November 2017


We have started with Phase 2 phonics where we are learning the letters and sounds in English.
This week we have learned


We have also been learning the names of the main characters in the Oxford Reading Tree series.

Each week I will send home the sounds and words we have learned as well as a reading book.
You may be surprised to see that the first books we send are wordless!
That is because our first step into reading is to teach the children the following skills:
  • handle a book carefully
  • find the front cover and turn the pages carefully
  • look at the pages from left to right
  • pay close attention to illustrations
  • talk about the characters and story
  • make connections between stories and their own experiences
  • offer suggestions as to what might happen next
  • empathise with characters/ talk about how they might be feeling
  • learn the names of the main characters CHARACTERS

Once the children are beginning to master these skills and are beginning to recognise the character names, we will start sending home books with words!

When your child brings a book home, it will come in a plastic wallet with a reading record card. 
Parents MUST sign and comment to confirm that the child has read the book at home. Children WILL NOT be isued with new books unless the reading record has been signed and the book has been returned.
New books will be sent home on Friday and should be returned on Tuesday at the latest.

Please watch Miss Lucie's videos for more information!



Monday, 13 November 2017



We have notcied that the weather has turned colder and that the leaves are turning different colours and are falling from the trees.

We have been out and collected leaves and used them to make decorations.

We tried rolling conkers in paint to explore what happens when we mix colours.

We thoroughly enjoyed eating the carrots that we planted in the Summer and harvested in the Autumn.

We also looked at how different materials mix together like starch and water and slime and leaves- we made a fantastic swamp for our dinosaurs to splash about in.

We also had a wonderful Harvest Festival Celebration! The children looked fantastic in their costumes and Autumn colours and the amount of food we collected to help those in need was brilliant!