Wednesday 18 October 2017


This week we have been focusing on THE GOLDEN RULES.
These are:

1. Always listen to an adult the first time.
2. Move around the school safely and carefully.
3. Use words and actions that help and don't hurt.
4. Respect other people and their property.

In our class we are trying to stop and listen when we hear the bell and we are trying to listen on the carpet when an adult is talking.
We are trying to remember that when we are in school we walk and talk, we don't run and shout!
We are trying not to call each other names and to use words like 'please', 'thank you' and 'can I have I turn?'
We are trying to help at tidy up time and look after the toys and resources in our classroom.

We have also been talking about our feelings and we have learned a song about the Mood Monsters

Mood Monster Song