Friday, 21 April 2017


In Literacy we have been learning about the difference between story (fiction) books and information (non-fiction) books. Can you spot which books are which from those in the picture below?

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!! We have had great fun playing with the space shuttle and sorting moon rocks.

Puffy paint planets- we used foam, glue and food colouring to make these fantastic, textured planets.

We have been listening to BBC schools radio- music and movment sessions which take us on an adventure to the moon and to meet aliens!

We have also set up a Space travel agency in our classroom- anyone fancy a trip to Mars?

We also made a giant mixed media collage of our Solar System. We showed it to the whole school in assembly on Friday and now it is being displayed in the Dining Room for everyone to see. Make sure you look at our fantastic labelling.

We have learned the Nursery Rhyme HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE this week, click here to practise at home:

And we have a great Space Dance that we've been practising! Why don't you try it at home?

Please read your books and practise our new digraphs ee /or/ oo
And our new sight words was/ be

Take photographs or make a note of objects at home that are similar to 3D shapes (sphere, cube, cylinder, cuboid).

Friday, 14 April 2017


We read a story about a little yellow visitor from outer Space whose spacecraft crash landed on planet Earth. Her name is Beegu.

We found traces of an alien visitor in the playground and we received a letter from the chief of Beegu's clan and a supply of power pods which are what the aliens use for their energy. Watch them grow in size as they hydrate in water!

We had a great time pretending to be the little yellow alien.

Our space station flew in and we've had a great time playing with it, as well as creating our own space ship role play with lots of buttons, dials and maps of the Universe.

We've been listening to a lovely song about our Solar System
Solar system song

and doing a really tricky space puzzle and we're making balloon and thread planets.

On Thursday and Friday we were getting ready for Easter, making chicks, nests and cards.

Well done for all of the fantastic entries into our Easter Egg competition, we had a great time looking at all of the eggs from our class and all of the other classes.

In maths we have been looking at subtraction and we have been practising reading and writing number sentences.

In phonics we continue to learn digraphs (where we use two letters to represent one sound). So far we know sh, ch, th, ai, qu, ng. 
We have also learned tricky words he, she, we, me, be.


Look up at the night sky and see if you can spot Mars!

Monday, 3 April 2017

Goldilocks and the three Bears

This week we have been working on a story that may be new for some children, and familiar to others : Goldilocks and the Three bears.

The children have been working hard on acting out the story with role-playing, practicing their BIG daddy bear voice, MIDDLE-sized mummy bear voices, and their tiny, squeaky baby bear voices.

To go along with the story, we have also learned a new nursey rhyme about Goldilocks:

When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears

In phonics we have learned two new sounds:


We have also been learning about our opposite words!

In maths, we have been working hard this week on comparing lengths and weights of objects as well as investigating volumes of containers with the water in our graduated cylinders!

As always, we are working hard on reading every day, and sometimes we can even read as a team!

All week we have been watching our sunflower seeds grow and grow!

PS: we have been doing some great dancing to this classic: