Friday, 27 January 2017


It's Chinese New Year this weekend and we have been learning a little bit about the traditional New Year story and how it is celebrated.
We used handprints to make a colourful tail for our Rooster, COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!!

Please follow the link below to find out how children in England celebrate.
Chinese New Year

We used paper plates to make Chinese drums.

Avrora brought in all sorts of interesting Chinese things, can you guess who's here?

We also made an enormous Chinese Dragon and paraded him around the school. We banged drums and rang bells to let everyone know that we were coming!

We also did some exciting investigations in the water tray with food colouring baking soda and vinegar!

Please find homework sheets and reading book in your child's folder.
PLEASE REMEMBER to return folders NO LATER than TUESDAY each week

Also, have a listen to our poem that we have been learning, called "A Little White Snowman"!

Friday, 20 January 2017


This week we have taken The Snowman by Raymond Briggs as our insipiration for learning.

We have read the book and also watched the film and noticed the differences between the two. There are no words in wither the book or the film, so we have been imagining what James and The Snowman might be saying.

We also thought about how James might be feeling during different parts of the story and tried to imagine how we might feel if we ever woke up in the middle of the night and went on a flying adventure with a magical snowman!

We used sequencing pictures and emotions cards to help us with our discussions.

Putting the story together in the correct sequence.

Matching feelings cards to the different parts of the story.

In the story, James takes The Snowman to the kitchen and he tries on different noses from the fruit bowl. We worked with a partner trying on fruit noses while the other person held the mirror.

Afterwards we chopped the fruit up to make kebabs for our snack!

We used the large space in the gym to listen to the music and role play the story, flying was particulalry good fun, as was riding on the motorbike ...

and there were some very sad faces when the snowmen melted.....

There has been some fantastic writing in Reception this week, what we need to build a snowman and drawing different parts of the story and writing about them,

There has also been some fantastic painting...

Working together in maths to add two numbers together and find the new total.

We have also looked at footage of the Northern Lights and have made collages to represent them.

All in all a VERY busy week in Reception!

I have sent home reading books to those children who have returned them.
Also there are sheets for handwriting and phonics.
You can click here to watch The Snowman
The Snowman

and here to watch The Snowman and the Snowdog
The Snowman and the Snowdog

Friday, 13 January 2017


Happy New Year and welcome back to school!
A special welcome to our new teaching assistant Mr Ilya!
Thank you so much for the generous Christmas presents you gave us. 
We hope you all had a lovely holiday and a good rest.

This week we have been talking a lot about snow and Winter, which has lead us into discussing the 4 seasons and thinking about which time of year we each have our Birthdays. We are learning a months of the year song.

We have thought about how the seasons affect our world and used mixed media to make season trees.

Which materials would you use?

In phonics we have been revising the letters and sounds that we have learned so far. We have also learned a rhyme with lots of the 's' sound and the homophone sea/see do you know the difference?

We have been practising our maths and fine motor skills, as well as our maths counting and sorting skills with our magical snow tray.

Please listen to the songs and rhyme for this week.
Please practise hndwriting at home, paying attention to correct letter formation, remember to use lower case letters apart from at the start of proper names.